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August 16, 202: What’s one belief you used to have when you were a kid? 

When you were driving in the car at night as a kid and you dropped something that you needed,the first instinct as a kid was to turn the light on and search for that object. Well, as many of our parents had told us, it was illegal to turn on the lights in a car at night and we would get pulled over if we did so. I always believed my parents because obviously what they said was law, but in reality they just weren't able to see so they didn't want us to turn the light on. Obviously it’s something we should not do when driving, but it is still NOT illegal. As a person who wishes to have children someday, I will 100% be doing this to my kids as well.

August 23, 2021: What’s one weird underrated quality you find attractive in a person? Why? 

Something I find attractive in a person that is underrated is the music that they choose to listen to and how willing they are to listen to something new. Im the type of person that loves to listen to a wide variety of music and it depends on my mood for the day. I appreciate a person that will roll with whatever music I choose to listen to even if its something that they would not choose freely on their own.

August 30th, 2021: If you could be born in another era in history, which would you choose? Why? 

I would choose to be born into the industrial revolution. I just think that living in a time where there is so much thinking, creating, and writing happening. People are working for the good of the community, to come up with an invention that will help the lives of thousands, house thousands of people, and so on. I wish I could have been there because personally, I would have tried to change the education system to work towards way more inclusion than what they were working with. I would have loved to set up a curriculum that was based in action-based learning rather than lecture-based learning. If we would have set up the fundamentals of learning to be doing rather than listening, there might have been so many kids that enjoyed learning instead of hating it and dropping out. Things could have been extremely different.

September 08, 2021: When i am angry, i tend to…

When I get upset, I try to talk through it with someone. It not only gives me a new perspective on the situation that I may not have seen before, but it also gives me a chance to talk it out and cool down when needed. We all need somewhere to vent to, whether that is to our dog, our mom, our best friends, or our significant other, keeping that anger bottled up is never good. So choosing to talk to someone who may have insight other than agreeing with what you say is beneficial, at least to me.

September 13, 2021: If your life were a video game, which level would be the most difficult to get through? Why?

The level that would be the most difficult to get through would be work. I meet so many people throughout my day, and I experience many different situations. Working the same job since 16 has been a great experience of growing and learning, and it would be interesting to see the character development. Also, managing my studies with my job is hard in and of itself. The life of Emily (haha) 

September 20th, 2021: What is one phrase you could band from everyone’s vocabulary? Why? 

I chose a word that I would ban being the word “retarted” or the phrase “you're retarted.” I understand that the phrase was used to identify someone in the disabled community when disability and special ed were rising topics. But the phrase now translates to being “stupid” or having a mental deficiency. It is not a scientific term, rather it is used to attack someone's mental capabilities. People throw the word around like it is part of everyday language, when in reality is is offensive and derogatory. It is also slandering the disability community, as there are better words used to describe people now, and should be used appropriately. Nobody should ever say a word to harm someone or bully someone. 

September 27th, 2021: If you could become Earth's official tour guide to aliens, where would you take them? Why? 

I would take them to Tennessee. The reason being: I have found the nicest people to live in southern states. It doesn't feel like there is a lot of judgement towards any particular group or individuals. I also think that Tennessee has a lot to offer in regards to scenery, tourist attractions, and a lot of local places that are amazing to visit. There is so much to experience and so much to love about Tennessee. And if you don't love it, you can live in the mountains! 

October 4th, 2021: Whats something about your life now you would miss when you're 80? Why? 

I think the thing i will miss the most is being able to create relationships that last over years, decades, and generations. In my collegiate life, I have met with people that are what i consider to be life long friends. There are so many opportunities for us to join clubs, to be a part of a movement, and to meet new people along the way. As we get older, we wont be moving around a whole lot, trying out new things, or meeting new people to create those relationships. I feel that when I'm 80, i will only want to sit on the couch and watch Grey's Anatomy, because we all know itll still be on. 

October 11, 2021: Describe a new olympic sport in which you would definitely medal in. 

I think one of the things that I am best at is giving in to the big, beady eyes that animals have. I am certainly a professional at not saying no to taking an animal home from the animal shelter or taking an animal in when they're in need. I just adopted a dog this weekend because I had visited the humane society and took a look at all of the dogs, and I just knew that I could not say no. Its those big, beady eyes that always get me, and im a pro at loving them. 

October 18, 2021: Imagine your daily routine had been turned into a reality show. Which parts would be most talked about? Why? 

My walks with my puppy have become a new routine of mine that i enjoy every day. it would be hilarious to see how tired and sleepy I look in the morning walking him at 7am vs how much energy he has. He also loves to play when we get back inside and I always want to go back to sleep. I would also love to see the conversations I have with some of my closer friends played out in a reality show setting. To me, I feel it would be quite hilarious. 

October 25th, 2021: What's one sign that you would probably stay friends with someone for life? How do you know?

Meeting new people is terrifying. Most people long to be liked. Most people want someone to be their best friend, ride-or-die, their person. When I meet someone and I know that they are going to be in my life for a while, all of those insecurities and nerves go away. I know that they love and support me no matter what. How do I know that they are a friend for life? If their beliefs and values line up with mine. If we are able to have discussions on our differences of opinion but still remain friends, and also know that my friend wants to spend as much time with me as I do them. They ask to hang out, they ask how im doing, and they want to be a part of my life. 

November 3rd, 2021: Imagine we all had to start over on Mars and you were responsible for choosing who gets to be part of Humanity 2.0. How would you decide on who to accept?

I think selfishly, I would want to accept the people that I would deem as a good person. I wouldn't want to accept someone who was convicted of murder or some other horrendous crime, but I would accept someone who devoted their time to volunteer programs and non-for-profit agencies. But as a teacher, I think it would be morally wrong not to accept every person because every person does deserve a second chance. 

November 8th, 2021: Describe a moment that made you feel like a real grown-up

I felt like a real grown up when I planned my first vacation with my partner for the first time. I was extremely exciting to buy plane tickets, book air bnb's, and plan out activities while we are there (and yes I say activities because I am a teacher at heart and I will always have control over the activities being planned even in my own life). I have yet to go on this vacation and I am excited to see how it will turn out. 

November 15, 2021: If you didn't have to sleep every night, what would you do with all the extra time?

If I had extra time, I would make it a point to go to the gym every day. I think that it has been extremely difficult to find the time with the three pets that I have and the 40 hours of work I have a week. I would also get ahead on my school work so I dont have to wait until the last minute. Finally, I would find some time to have personal time such as spending time reading, playing video games, or watching Netflix. 

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