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General Rules and Expectations: 

Whole Group Communication

Small Group Work

  • Be respectful when someone is talking

  • Raise your hand when you have a question, comment, or concern

  • Think about what you want to say before you say it

  • We are to address adults using their professional adult names, being respectful when doing so.

  • Use your inside voice

  • Do not talk when others are talking

  • no answer is a "dumb" answer 

  • if you do not agree with something someone said, it is to be addressed in a respectful manner 

  • We are to be productive not disruptive

  • Remember there are classes surrounding us, so be respectful of your volume 

  • Always, we are a community of learners, not individuals. We work together collaboratively and respectively. 

  • It is to be expected that everyone in the group works on the assignments given

  • Do not talk over anyone, wait your turn 

  • Your voice should not be loud enough to carry through the class, so if you have a great idea thats great, but remember to keep it within the group. 

  • don't be distracting to other groups. 

Individual WOrk Time

  • Stay in your seat unless you need to grab materials or ask Ms.Bebar a question. 

  • Individual time is quiet time to work.

Emergency Communication

  • Personal Emergency: 

    • If something come's up, its okay. Life happens. If you are in class, remain calm and raise your hand. Let me know if we need to move the discussion in the hall and we will figure it out. ​

    • If you're at home: you can email me at or call 815-351-9042. (use the phone number if extremely urgent) 

  • As always, if you need any help or need suggestions for improvement, do not hesitate to ask:) 



It is important to know the general rules for communicating in the classroom. These general rules include being respectful, using your inside voice, and raising your hand when you have a question, comment, or concern. These rules that I have laid out in my general rules section are common amongst most classrooms and will be common in high school and in higher education.  When emphasizing the importance of these general rules year after year, they become a habit that most students will learn not to break. For whole group communication, I thought it was beneficial that I would add the rule “Do not talk when others are talking.” The way that my class is set up, whole class discussions will be arranged using the moveable tables in one long table. If all the students are talking at once, the class can become chaotic and loud very quickly. I also added that the class discussions should be addressed in a respectful manner, especially if you disagree with something someone said. In Social studies classes, it is important that topics, especially those around politics and other sensitive topics, are addressed with respect. This helps students build habits that will be beneficial in their later life, especially around conversations relating to politics. Finally, it is important to communicate with students what is to be expected of them during small group work. A lot of the time students will hide behind their group work, so they do not have to participate. It is important to lay the groundwork of how groups will function, so students understand your expectations as well as their expectations for their fellow classmates. Individual work time is extremely important, especially if there are students that have missed an extended number of days due to COVID. Individual work time needs to stay focused and on track, or else it defeats the purpose of individual time. Students need to understand that this is their time that they must complete materials inside the class day, so they do not have to take it home. As a teacher, especially one that started their career during COVID, it is important to remember that emergencies to happen. Teachers are expected to be available and flexible when emergency situations due arise, and students need to know how to contact you if it does.

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