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  • Turning in assignments on time is the responsibility of the student. 

    • With that being said, if there is an emergency that comes up or you are struggling finishing the assignment, emailing Ms.Bebar to set up a meeting time will be beneficial to the grade on that assignment.

  • Feedback on all assignments will be given within 2 days of turning in daily assignments, 1 week for major projects. If you have not received feedback within that time frame, contact Ms.Bebar about it. 

  • Once a month, students will sit down with Ms.Bebar to discuss their grade in the class, missing/incomplete assignments, and progress made. 

  • Grade point system is posted on the class website as well as on each daily agenda. 


  • Attendance to class periods is extremely important to your learning in this class. 

  • Attendance will be taken at the start of every class before class activities. 

  • If you are missing a class for any reason, email Ms.Bebar to catch up on any late work/missed activities. 

  • The attendance book is kept and up to date daily. 


Throughout the management, I have emphasized the idea of open communication when it comes to their academics. I understand that emergencies come up and that life happens. Therefore, I write my grade rationale emphasizing that they are able to reach out to me if something comes up. Creating positive thoughts/feelings about course work when emergencies happen instead of feeling nervous and upset. I also wrote in that feedback will be provided on assignments, especially in a timely manner. It is nerve wracking to wait to hear back on an assignment, especially if the assignment was nerve wracking before turning it in. This is a way for the students to understand what their teacher needs for them to work on so that everyone is on the same page. I also included that once a month each student will sit down with the teacher to talk about coursework and go over their grade in the class. This will keep everyone on the same page and feeling good about where they are or where they can go from there. IN the attendance, I mentioned that emailing the teacher will help so that students can catch up on coursework instead of waiting to hear until you are back in school. This will be extremely helpful if students are missing school for an extended number of days. It is kept up with daily so that there is no discrepancies.

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