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Technology Policy

  • School owned computers: 

    • What it should be used for: accessing any class materials, school website, or school email that is beneficial to the learning environment. ​

    • What it should not be used for: playing video games, searching for items unrelated to the activity, and anything that is inappropriate and should not be accessed at any point. 

    • they are to be put away unless told they can be used. 

  • Cellular Devices: 

    • When it should be used: when accessing class materials, school website, or school email that is beneficial to the learning environment. ​

    • When/how it should not be used: For personal use, (i.e. texting, snapchatting,), during activities (unless given permission), or in the class before class starts/after it ends 

    • They are to be put away unless told they can be used. 

  • Any technology use that is seen as inappropriate or not beneficial to the activity will be considered as hindering our learning. The first offense will be a verbal warning, next would be a detention with an email home to parents/guardians, and the final step would be a sit down with parents/guardians as well as Principle. 

  • If your device is uncharged or not with you during the school day, paper copies will be provided as well as access to borrow one from the school. if it becomes a habit, a conversation will be had with you and your parents/guardians. 


So much of our students lives revolve around technology. It is what they have learned to use throughout their lives. This is no different in school. We have been relying on technology to help our students learn, therefore my technology policy reflects that. For the many different devices, I express what it should be used for and what it shouldn’t be used for. This allows for everyone to be on the same page if issues were to come up. It integrates the technology into our school day by allowing our students to use it for any class materials, using the school website or the school email they are given. I wrote into it that they are to be put away unless told to use them because if they are out, they will use them. It is easier to get them out of the way then try to take them away.

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