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Original story: I have always been terrible about remembering things. It could be anything, not just birthday’s. I never wanted anyone to know because my dad always said I was “smart.” But because of that, I didn’t believe in  myself. 

One of my biggest fears is forgetting my significant others’ birthday. I have always been terrible about remembering things before coming to college. I ran through life hoping that I would remember, without taking the necessary steps to ensure that I didn't. Forgetting something in the past could have been anything from birthday’s, events, and homework that was due. I never wanted anyone to know that I was struggling because my dad always reminds me of how “smart” I am. As someone processing this in high school and comparing myself to others, I thought to myself, how am I smart when I can't even remember to turn my assignments in. But then, college rolled around and it hit me: I am smart, I just need to remind myself that sometimes I just need to give myself a little extra help. As I reflect back on my academic and personal life in high school, I now realize that if I had acknowledged my mistakes and asked for help, I may have solved the issue of forgetting. Now, I have a planner for everything: academic, work, social life, etc. this way I will never forget.

Writing from 8/23-8/25

Challenge 2 brainstorm

  • What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

Something that I have learned throughout my life is staying positive in everything we do. That could mean staying positive when work is getting too hard. Being negative only brings the vibe down. Another lesson is to listen to what others have to say. I tend to talk a lot, so I like to listen to what others have to say so I can learn more about who they are and not ramble on about my life. 

  • How would you like to be remembered?

I would like to be remembered as the teacher who cares. I want to be the teacher that students feel they are safe talking to, who makes class fun and inviting, and someone who cares deeply about their students. 

  • What are you proudest of?

I am proudest of pulling myself back up from almost failing out of my first two years of college to being on the deans list last semester. I kicked it into high gear and made it a point to finish what ive always dreamt of doing. 



What brings me joy? 

Happiness, laughter, and excitement. When i think of joy i think of the moment when you feel that nothing in the world could stop this feeling. Youre floating through heaven. Pure and utter happiness 


Protest, support, speak out

When i think of activism i think about speaking for those who feel they have no voice. Working for a common goal for a group of people. Example being feminist activism 


Beliefs, morals

When i think of values, i think of the beliefs that make us who we are as people. They are the core of what makes us who we are. 


3 big ideas

2 questions 

One brainstorm thought

  • The relationship between joy and the physical world 

  • What does joy mean to me? What specifically brings me joy? 

  • Can we pinpoint the exact moment we felt joy? 

  • Why do we hold back from joy? Hold us back from our color


  • What if we started encouraging out students to live outside of the norms and live to the fullest of their pure joy? What would the world look like in 20+ years if we encourage our students to live the way that apartment was set up? In an abundance of color. 

  • Joy is something that is similar no matter age, gender, ethnicity


  • We all start out joyful, as in children being happy and energetic, then the world opens us up to judgement from other adults. We are seen as childish or too feminine or self indulgent because we are experiencing pure joy. 

SE2R feedback for Heyworth Students fall 2021

Happy Sunday!! 

This is Ms.Bebar giving some feedback on your "What we keep" project. 

 Student, you did a great job at telling the story of fixing up the dirt bike with your grandpa. You used great descriptive words to describe the dirt bike color as well as what it meant to you. I do have a couple of suggestions for you. First, there are a lot of run-on sentences, for example your first sentence, that could be shortened by taking out a few words and adding in some periods. Reading it out loud always helps me make sense of where my sentences should stop and start again. Another suggestion is taking away some of the details about dirt bikes like when you reference what cc means and what a four stroke engine means. Our audience may not know what that means and gets distracted from the point you're trying to make. I would love to see more detail about the time you spent fixing the dirt bike with your grandpa. Was there a day that you went over to help fix it? Was there a specific memory of the two of you together that the dirt bike reminds you of? Do you still have the dirt bike? If so, what do you do with it now? And lastly, do you have a picture of the dirt bike? If not, do you have a picture of you and your grandfather together? That would be a great element to add to your story. I would add the same advice for the one you created with a stranger.

Have a good rest of your weekend. 

Ms. Bebar

Happy Sunday! 

This is Ms. Bebar giving you some feedback on your "What we keep" project

Student, you did a great job at explaining why the item was gifted to you and what the purpose of the item was when you received it. I would love to know more about its usage after your trip to Disney. Did you use it again on more family trips? Do you have distinct memories of using those gifts at Disney?(i.e. getting a specific character signature with your sisters) I would love to know more about trading the pins with the Disney characters. If you have a picture of you and your sisters holding the signature books at Disney that would be a great piece to add. The page dedicated to the stranger is a great page. I love the detail about where she found the gun casing. The only change I would make is adding in why her father received the 21-gun salute. Was he military or part of a police force? Overall, nicely done!

Have a good rest of your weekend.


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