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Safety, Health, and Environment

What to do if there's a...


  • As soon as you hear the alarm go off, drop everything you are doing. 

  • Start moving to exit the building. **remember this is to be done quietly and at a walking pace. Panic creates panic. 

  • We will exit the building through door 7, closest to our class. We will exit through the right side of the door, as Ms. Smith's class exits through the left side. 

  • Once outside, it is important that we meet at the big tree in front of the building. Ms.Bebar will take attendance there. Please stay quiet and stick together. 

  • If you are not in the classroom when the alarms went off, exit the nearest exit to where you are located. Once outside, talk with a teacher or an administrator to let them know you're safe. 

  • We do not go back inside until they tell us it is clear to go back in. 

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  • As soon as you hear the alarm, drop everything you are doing. 

  • We will proceed to our designated class spot, walking quietly so we can hear instructions. 

  • Our class is closest to the girls locker room, so we will go there for shelter. We will line up against the lockers. 

  • Please keep in mind there may be another class in there with us, maybe two. So please crouch down as closely as possible to one another to make sure we fit as many people as possible. 

  • We do not get up until Ms.Bebar tells us it is okay!! 

  • If you are not in the classroom when the alarm goes off, find the nearest safe spot that you know of, or follow another class to theirs. Do not try and come to our spot, find another one. 

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  • ​If there is a lockdown drill, Principle Carter will come on the intercom and say "Mr.Downs is visiting today." 

  • When the announcement comes on, you immediately drop everything you are doing, and push all of the desks and chairs to block the door.

  • Move to the back corner of the classroom, behind Ms.Bebar's desk, and keep out of sight of windows and the door. 

  • Do not stand, move around, or talk.

  •  If it is all clear to go back to class, Principle Carter will come on the intercom and let us know. If we have to evacuate the building, we will do so only if Principle Carter and Police come in and escort us out. They WILL NEVER tell US to open the door. They have a key. 


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 Ms.Bebar/adult is not in the room

  • If there is no adult in the room when the bell rings, sit down quietly and work on homework or read silently.

  • If Ms.Bebar is not in the room 7 minutes after the bell rings, the number selected for the week (# of student) will down the hall to Principle Carter’s office to let them know what’s going on.

  • If an alarm goes off while Ms.Bebar is not in the classroom, remain calm, and follow the instructions printed by the door. DO NOT wait for me to get there. I will meet you where you need to be.

Items not to touch

  • Ms.Bebar’s Desk: Unless given permission by Ms.Bebar ONLY, you are not to touch anything in, on, or around the desk. The only exception is the candy jar.

  • Decorations: Ms.Bebar worked very hard to make this room come alive. Please do not touch anything hanging on the walls, doors, or windows as it will make Ms.Bebar very sad.

  • Other’s belongings: Would you want someone touching your stuff? Probably not. So please do not touch other people’s belongings unless given permission by that person only.

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You are not allowed here: 

  • Storage Closet: This is where extra materials for Ms.Bebar to use in her classroom. This is off limits to ALL students 

  • ​File cabinets: There are personal items and important documents that only the teacher needs access to. This is off limits to ALL students. 

  • Ms.Bebar's desk: Unless permitted to be there, this is off limits to ALL students. 

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If there is an emergency, I made it a point to include that student should drop everything that they are doing and make their way to where they have to be in emergency situations. I feel that there is a lot of hesitation when it comes to emergencies, therefore preparing out students to exit when they need to will help in those situations. I also like to remind students that they should remain calm and exit the building or move to the emergency location quietly. Panic creates panic. Next, I added detailed descriptions of moving through the building so there is no confusion when the time comes. And finally, for every emergency I added protocols if you are not in the classroom at the time the emergency bell rings. Students begin to panic when they are in situations when they do not know what to do. For items not to touch and places not to go in the classroom, it is important to note as soon as they enter the room. Supplies in the storage closet and filing cabinets can be toxic and some materials are confidential which is extremely off limits. Finally, I know that students’ first reaction to the teacher not being in the room is to celebrate and do whatever they want. It is important that the student of the week acknowledges that they are the one to initiate protocol if I am absent from the room.

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