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Culturally Responsive


  • Students will respect their peers whenever they are interacting with them. (i.e. when someone is talking to a small group, whole class, or individually). This includes refraining from making faces, laughing, or degrading your peers in any form. 

  • There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for bullying of any kind.​ 

  • There are going to be different view points on topics discussed in the classroom. We are to be respectful of those viewpoints and talk about them in a civil manner. 

  • Remember, we are an inclusive community. Excluding someone would be extremely hurtful and detrimental to our schools community. Stay positive and inclusive to all of our Hornets! 


  • As your teacher, I promise to uphold all of the following within the classroom: 

    • Creating diverse content relative to the students in our school ​

    • Understanding religious and cultural holiday's are important and will be taken into account in our homework and activities. 

    • I promise to always do my research on a topic before teaching it, being respectful to those who are part of the cultures, religions, and ethnicities I am teaching about. 

    • I will uphold my promise to create a safe space for our culturally diverse student body ALWAYS. 

**If you ever feel that any of these promises are not being upheld, do not hesitate to talk with Ms.Bebar about it. There is always a time for discussion and improvement. 


We live in a world where culture’s ethnicities, and religions are so intermingled that there is so much diversity, even within the classroom. Students have had the opportunity to work with others that have different ethnic or cultural backgrounds, but it is important to continue to instill the respect for their peers who do belong do different backgrounds. In this section, I note that there is a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. This is especially important for bullying based on cultural differences. For example, if someone shares a story of their homelife or wearing something that represented their culture, and someone makes a face, adds a sarcastic remark, or flat out disrespects them, my policy allows for there to be ZERO TOLERANCE. This is added for all interactions including small group, whole class, or individual interactions. Another example would be discussions that are extremely sensitive, like politics, that require students to be always respectful. Students need to understand that different viewpoints are going to be held in the classroom and that needs to be always respected. We are an inclusive community. As much as it a responsibility for students to be respectful of their peers’ cultures, ethnicities, and religions, the teacher also must be respectful and mindful of this. Not only do students have to take cultural and ethnic identities into consideration, but teachers also have too as well. It is important for teachers to create diverse content so that students can have the conversations mentioned. Being lenient about homework and respecting cultural holiday’s. As a social studies teacher, it is important to always do research before teaching a topic as it can be harmful if we don’t. I emphasized making a promise to always doing these things for my students because that is the least they deserve.

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