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Behavior Expectations

  • One of the core foundations of this class is to be respectful in everything we do. With that being said, there is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for bullying and disrespect of any sort. 

    • If bullying becomes an issue, Ms.Bebar will sit down with you to have a discussion about it​

    • If it continues, a discussion with the Principle as well as an email will be sent home. 

    • If the problem begins to hinder the learning in our classroom, a meeting will be scheduled with parents/guardians and administration. 

  • Communication is key to the effectiveness in our classroom. Please reach out before it's too late. 


One of the most important rules I have for my classroom is the zero-tolerance policy for bullying. Bullying is extremely disrespectful, hurtful, and causes so much negative energy for the classroom. I expect my students to be always respectful and nothing less. I shut the behavior down at the very start to discuss it. No matter how small the incidence is, I take it extremely seriously and start it sooner rather than later. I would send an email home sooner in the process then some teachers because I believe that it’s a group effort, not just one made by the teacher. If it continues, it will become a meeting with guardians as well as the administration. My hope is that shutting it down early rather than when damage is done, it will create a positive environment in the classroom. Putting this in my classroom management will also allow students to feel comfortable in confiding in me knowing that I will act when bullying occurs.  

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